癌で余命宣告を受けた女性が歌ったオリジナルソング「It’s Okay」がゴールデンブザーを獲得!


アメリカの人気オーデション番組に出場した30歳の魅力的な笑顔の女性のニックネームはナイトバード(Nightbirde)。彼女は自身のオリジナルソングを披露する。曲名は「It’s Okay」。曲の内容は肺、脊椎、肝臓にガンが転移してしまい余命半年の宣言をされた彼女自身の物語。そのサプライズな曲と歌声は審査員の心に響き渡った。

ナイトバードがオリジナルソング「It’s Okay」を歌う動画

Golden Buzzer: Nightbirde’s Original Song Makes Simon Cowell Emotional – America’s Got Talent 2021

Golden Buzzer: Nightbirde's Original Song Makes Simon Cowell Emotional – America's Got Talent 2021

Simon Cowell gives Nightbirde the Golden Buzzer after her beautiful performance of “It’s Okay.” Nightbirde chases her dreams and proves that she is so much more than her cancer!

Nightbirde’s everyday moments | America’s Got Talent 2021

Nightbirde's everyday moments | America's Got Talent 2021

Ningtbirde is a strong girl, although she is only 30 years old, she had to go through cancer 3 times, not only that, Nightbirde also had a brain disease, she was really too dangerous, she was also abandoned by the person she loved . Nightbirde went through a long period of depression afterwards, but luckily this girl got over everything to have a happier life, found a passion for music and sings very very well.In today’s video, let’s watch Nightbirde’s fun and dynamic everyday moments.

